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35 years of medical experience &
10 years of board experience

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Support Dr. Davis & Save SMH

Prefer to donate by check? Make your check payable to "Elect George Davis" On a separate document, print your name, address, employer, and occupation and mail it along with the check to: George Davis for Hospital Board, P.O. Box 845, Venice, Fl  34284 

George Davis, M.D.

Dr. George Davis, a Venice resident for the last 7 years, practiced family medicine in New York State for 37 years, served as vice-chair of the Columbia Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees, and chaired the board's quality improvement committee. He received a bachelor's degree from Harvard University and his medical degree from Columbia University. He received a master's in bioethics from Union College in association with Albany Medical Center.

During those years of practice, Dr. Davis specialized in palliative care and medical ethics. He was elected to two terms as president of the medical staff, chaired the hospital ethics committee, and served as a hospice medical director. Currently, he volunteers with Tidewell-Empath Hospice in Venice.

Currently, he is a palliative care consultant for families in crisis over the care of a loved one with advanced illness. As an ethicist and grief counselor for 7 years, he has helped families find new hope in realistic, honest care plans. 

Locally, Dr. Davis served on the City of Venice Environmental Advisory Board and became its chair. He recently was a community member of the Ethics Committee at Sarasota Memorial Hospital

He is passionate about the importance of primary care. Sarasota Memorial Hospital Health System has an extensive primary care network. Its role in coordinating patient care needs more funding and resources that increase the depth of the doctor-patient relationship.


Dr. Davis on the Issues


We must actively promote science and the benefits of vaccines. In less fortunate countries, I’ve seen children suffer from preventable diseases like whooping cough and measles. Vaccines, which are 98% effective and have been proven safe for decades, save lives. COVID-19 vaccines have also saved countless lives.


We should not just defend vaccines but actively challenge vaccine hesitancy with facts and empathy.

Doctor with Patient


The threat of privatizing Sarasota Memorial Hospital (SMH) is real and growing. I am committed to keeping SMH public and community-focused. Recent communications suggest increasing pressure to privatize, and some candidates may waver. What was once speculation is now confirmed—there is a push for privatization, and radical MAGA leaders have not opposed it.


With Lee County privatizing its hospital and the Governor doing the same to a state mental health hospital, the trend is clear.


Dr. Davis with Voters

Dr. Davis Discussing Issues

Protect Sarasota Memorial

Sarasota Memorial Hospital is a renowned healthcare facility with a team of skilled professionals and state-of-the-art facilities. Patients expect compassionate and personalized care in a safe environment, and we must protect this legacy we have built.


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Sarasota County Deserves:

A state-of-the-art Sarasota Memorial Hospital system built on science

A hospital system that supports and recognizes nurses and medical staff

A board that appreciates and promotes the art of caring for a patient in all areas of the health system

Mailing Address:

Elect George Davis

PO Box 845, Venice, FL 34284

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